

Your hotel can be a powerful force for positive change in the community! we have developed a systematic process that can prepare you and your staff to create an outcome that strategically aligns with your nonprofits and community stakeholders. This can benefit your hotel with more visibility and exposure, as well as gain a reputation for being socially responsible and compassionate. It can also help to strengthen your hotel's relationship with local communities and build a network of contacts that can help to increase referrals and other forms of support. Additionally, this type of collaboration can provide access to resources that may be hard to come by and can help to mobilize customers and staff to support causes that are important to your hotel's organization. By partnering with these organizations, not only will you help to make a positive impact in your community you will also create an environment of collaboration and trust.

We have designed Phase One with 5 worksheets that will ensure any alliances your hotel forms with nonprofits and community stakeholders are based on a strong foundation of mutual understanding. Strengthen your hotel's total community influence by assessing what it can offer to nonprofits and community stakeholders, as well as what it can gain from these partnerships. Our worksheets can help you accomplish this goal by providing guidance on:

    1. Recognizing the assets and capabilities your hotel can provide (Worksheet 1)
    2. Exploring the advantages for your hotel and its operational goals (Worksheet 2)
    3. Aligning your strategic objectives with those of nonprofits and community stakeholders (Worksheet 3)
    4. Examine potential partnerships, plan activities, and conduct periodic reviews (Worksheet 4)
    5. Maximize your & your employee's current relationships with nonprofits and community stakeholders. (Worksheet 5)

Hotel owners can capitalize on this phase to expand their reach within the community while forging beneficial partnerships with nonprofits and community stakeholders. It is important to clearly define the strategic objectives and possible partnerships so that the board, staff, and their families can have an opportunity to be a part of the conversation. Worksheets 3 and 4 are responsibilities of your board or a committee you create and can help ensure that these objectives and partnerships are efficiently identified and managed.

The following worksheets can be an effective tool for hotel owners in order to better organize meetings and retreats, prepare staff for discussions, and structure collective and individual tasks. Utilizing them can help create a more efficient and effective alliance and community engagement.